Strong & Brave


Jen Llewellyn

You Have Everything You Need Inside You

To Live a Beautiful, Resourceful & Fulfilling Life

Step into the Strong and Brave Life

That You Were Meant to Live!

Jen Llewellyn-Anderson M.Sc.

Speaker, Writer, Life Coach

I am Jen Llewellyn, a heart-led, sensitive, intuitive Life Coach and Mentor. I know what it’s like to get stuck in the limiting stories that can keep us blocked from our personal potential and our ability to achieve our goals.




Expanded Inspiration

I am Jen Llewellyn, a heart-led, sensitive, intuitive Life Coach and Mentor. I know what it’s like to get stuck in the limiting stories that can keep us blocked from our personal potential and our ability to achieve our goals.

In my own life I have had many personal and professional challenges, challenges that I now see as opportunities for growth and expansion. Life strategies, Action Plans, Inner Work, Movement, Breathwork and Meditation practices have given me the gifts of Resourcefulness and Resiliency. I have a deep understanding of who I am and what I want, and a direct connection to my inner knowing. I have found my way back to my inner light and a level of Clarity, Freedom, Joy and Wisdom  that I only used to read about. 

I have been a technical coach for 23 years and recently made the change to pursue a career in personal development while growing heart-led businesses with my amazing partner. Coaching and Mentorship have been incredible steppingstones in the parts of my journey where I felt stuck. Coaching has given me the gift of Awareness, shining its bright light on the parts  of my story that I just couldn’t see. Coaching has made such a positive difference in my personal and professional life that I decided to become a trained Life Coach, and I’m so glad I did. I love asking questions, listening to the answers, asking more questions, and watching a client unlock a whole new set of options for themselves and their future.

And this is why, I believe you have everything inside of you to live a beautiful, resourceful, and fulfilling life.

Never ever, Ever, Ever, Ever Give Up.


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" I left the workshop feeling connected and refreshed, with a variety of new tools to help me with stress management, emotional regulation and nervous system regulation. I highly recommend Jen as a facilitator, she is passionate, kind, knowledgeable and a wonderful teacher."
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"Jen helped me to understand my thought patterns and encouraged me to centre back toward recurring feelings. This proved very helpful in allowing me to focus on some goals that I'd perhaps been repressing. Jen also helped uncover some notions that may have been holding me back. Each time we've met, I've come away feeling that I'm making progress toward something very important and it is a very freeing feeling."
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"I can’t thank Jen enough for providing a safe and welcoming space for us to share our feelings and love for each other. It was such a positive experience that I hope we can share again."
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"I'm glad that I took the plunge with coaching and Jen has made me feel so welcome and understood every step of the way. Jen is thoughtful, kind and patient, and you feel like she's exuding wisdom while sharing time with her. I look forward to continuing our coaching journey."

If you would like to work with me or have me speak at your event, please click HERE. Strong and Brave Inc. is located near Toronto, Ontario.

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