Strong & Brave

🧠Manifesting with the Dolores Cannon Technique

Earlier this year I came across this precious video of Dolores Cannon in which she shares her Secret Prayer to Manifest Anything.  I love how down-to-earth Dolores Cannon was (she passed in October, 2014).  She was very direct and very practical, two characteristics that I really appreciate. One of the key learnings that she explains in this 12-minute video is how the Universe is grounded in the present moment.  This makes the I am language of our prayers, our affirmations, and our intentions extremely important.  And so, I listened intently, and I wrote down Dolores’ prayer on a card and put it in my manifesting temple.

I have found that manifesting works best for me first thing in the morning and last thing at night.  I looked around my home to decide where the easiest place would be for me to recite my manifesting prayer at the beginning and end of each day, where I could be completely alone.  I settled on the tiny ensuite bathroom that adjoins the bedroom that my husband and I share.  My Dolores Cannon manifesting prayer card is tucked lovingly in my Louise Hay affirmations book on the back of my manifesting throne, in the very heart of my manifesting temple.  Looking back at this now, I can see the divine guidance in the practical selection of my temple space.  Water is a sacred element to me and to all life, it conducts energy in various forms and is commonly used in manifestation.  From my throne, I also have an unobstructed view of the sky through a small window – the perfect portal to send my prayers through. 

Manifesting Money with Dolores Cannon

In the beginning, I started with something small, $20.  I remembered reading somewhere to start with something achievable and then to gradually build our belief muscle up to what it takes to manifest greater and greater things. 

Morning and night, and any moment in between that I remembered to, I would recite Dolores Cannon’s Manifesting Prayer and imagined myself getting $20.  I imagined holding the $20 in my hand. I felt the feelings of delight that came with the surprise of receiving it.  After a couple of days though, I found myself unenthusiastic about my twenty bucks and so I upped it, to $200.   This amount was slightly more exciting, and I figured it would go a little further in building my belief muscle. 

Morning and night, and any moment in between that I remembered to, I would recite Dolores Cannon’s Manifesting Prayer and imagined myself getting $200.  I imagined holding the $200 in my hand. I felt the feelings of delight that came with the surprise of receiving it.  I imagined the things I would do with it and how it could positively impact the people around me.  But after a few days, the same thing happened, I found myself unenthusiastic about the $200 and realized that it would be a lot more fun to manifest something other than money. 

What I really wanted, was my glasses back.  I lost my geeky science-girl-metal-framed-bifocals several weeks earlier and was starting to give up hope of ever finding them again.  These glasses are awesome because I can use the magnifying part of the lens to look at plants or insects more closely when I’m out in nature.  I also think these glasses make me look more like the geek that I really am.  I was inspired to get metal frames because of the similar looking glasses that my friend and mentor Marvin has worn for years. Soon after I got the glasses, we ran a workshop together and to my surprise, Marvin had just changed to new plastic frames.  I’ve included a photo of us, Marvin with his new plastic frames, me with my lost metal framed bifocals just so you can appreciate how good they looked on me.   

It was around this time that I was tidying up some papers in our office and found the invoice for the natural gas service to our home.  In this service, we pre-pay our invoices based on current pricing and historical seasonal use.  I looked more closely at the large orange box that was printed of the first page of our bill, there was a thick orange circle around the credit we had in our account.  The amount was $203.17! 

I knew this was the Universe speaking to me and I got the message.

Morning and night, and any moment in between that I remembered to, I would recite Dolores Cannon’s Manifesting Prayer and imagined myself finding my glasses.  I opened my heart and let my higher self lead in this happy reunion with my lost glasses and what I imagined was a little different.  You see, I am one of those people who has a hard time visualizing, I have difficulty seeing things in my mind’s eye.  I am better at feeling and knowing when it comes to getting messages.  And so, my higher self had me imagine what it would feel like to find my geeky science-girl glasses.  I just rolled with it, and let it go into the Universe. 

Two days later, I found my glasses.

What was really interesting was the way that I found them.  I was tidying up the pillows and blankets on the couch inside our little pop-up trailer and I gasped when I felt the familiar glasses case and cried “Oh My Goddess”, when I opened the case and saw my precious frames inside!

Manifesting Clients

It didn’t take me long to think of something else to manifest.  I had just started leading Women’s Retreat Workshops that I called, Tuning Into Our Intuition, earlier in the year and I was ready to give another one.  We had a beautiful setting at a friend’s organic blueberry farm just outside of Toronto, complete with wide open meadows, donkeys, free-range ducks and chickens and a Cabana with a Comfort Station.  The property and owners have a beautiful energy, making it the perfect setting for our movement, breathwork, meditation and self-expression retreat workshop. 

Morning and night, and any moment in between that I remembered to, I would recite Dolores Cannon’s Manifesting Prayer and imagined myself leading this beautiful Outdoor Women’s Retreat Workshop.  I imagined sitting out on the grass underneath the big silver maple tree, facing 6 incredible women sitting leisurely on yoga mats.  I imagined the sound of the wind blowing through the leaves, the smell of the earth, and the sounds of our voices sharing stories and laughter as we held space for each other.  I was very specific in my words that I wanted “6 committed women” for this retreat and had made pre-registration mandatory. 

Four days later, 6 women had pre-registered for the retreat.
Five days later, 8 women had pre-registered for the retreat. 

It was then that I remembered something about the Dolores Cannon Manifesting Prayer script.  Near the end, when her prayer has me thanking the Universe for making it happen, I realized that I had been directed to use the words “this or something better”.  Once I realized what had happened, I was blown away even more by the power of this prayer.  Later that day when I was telling my husband about it and how I would have preferred to stick with my original 6 participants, he said, “I don’t think you want to say no to the Universe Babe”.  I couldn’t help but agree. 

The workshop was incredible, with many surprises and many tender moments of connection.  The women were beautiful, powerful and complex.  It was a bigger, more diverse group than I had anticipated, and I learned some important lessons that I will use going forward.    

A few days before the workshop I got a letter in the mail.  It was from the pension plan of my previous employer.  Last year my employer had failed to make one of their regular contributions to my pension plan and I was forced to make the contribution on their behalf or the pension plan would suspend my investment.  Now, a year later, the pension fund was writing to inform me that I had “overcontributed” to the fund.  They were giving me my money back in the form of a cheque.  Surprisingly, there was a second letter and cheque underneath it.  I smiled and covered my mouth with my hand in amazement when I read it.  The second cheque was compensation for the interest on my overcontribution.  The second cheque was for $20. 71. 

Thank you Dolores Cannon, Julia Cannon and all the Cannon’s as well as the team at Ozark Mountain Publishing for keeping Dolores’s lectures and content alive.  I am using my newfound dollars to take Dolores Cannon’s QHHT training on Past Life Regression and I am sharing her Secret Prayer to Manifest Anything with everyone I connect with.